Consultancy Service

If you have a successful strategy and you wish to have more time for yourself by automating your strategy, we offer our services and support. Also if you are at the beginning of the journey and you wish to learn more, we are happy to support you.

Advantages for automating your strategy
  • It speeds your progress and you get the desired result much faster.

  • You save a tremendous amount of time in testing if an idea works or not.

  • You can expand your creativity and the window of opportunities. Having more time, you can focus on improving your ideas and test multiple variables until you find the optimal conditions.

  • You can backtest your algorithms and compare the results. It helps you to see if there are any mistakes.


    We do not advise trading with live funds using an algorithm without a deep understanding of the strategy; how it is incorporated; or without having a long (9-12 month) historical experience with having that algorithm on a demo account first. We do not advise trading more than 1% total risk in a day, or taking more than one trade at a time. Any investment has a risk behind it, see our risk policy and we do not advise trading with more funds that you are comfortable losing. This is where we can support you, we can offer our services to minimize such risks and to speed up your successful journey.

We invite you to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.